2015-06-16 11:20:19 UTC
Parfois je me prends à rêver que l'on puisse faire ca chez nous aussi...
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Dear colleagues,
Finnish IPv6 Launch Event on 8 June in Helsinki, Finland
On Tuesday 8 June, Viestintävirasto, the Finnish telecoms regulator, hosted a seminar on the launch of IPv6 in Finland across a broad spectrum of sectors. Emile Aben and I participated in this meeting on behalf of the RIPE NCC.
This half-day meeting was the pinnacle of a project that started about two years ago with a renewal of the work programme of the national IPv6 task force. This renewal led to efforts to coordinate the deployment of IPv6, with the seminar date set as a milestone by which to achieve nationwide support for IPv6.
The project found support from all major access providers as well as hosting companies and content providers including the national broadcaster, YLE, and MTV.
We are pleased to see this strategy has paid off: the regulator estimates that approximately five million Finnish Internet connections are IPv6 enabled to date. Real-time measurements by APNIC also showed a rapid increase of IPv6 users over the preceding week: the percentage of end users observed using IPv6 quickly rose from almost nothing to 4.7%. DNA achieved the most spectacular deployment: the percentage of their customers using IPv6 skyrocketed to 16% and is still increasing.
During the seminar, various operators reported on their experiences during the deployment. They also looked forward to resolving any remaining issues and using the knowledge gained to further advance IPv6 adoption throughout the country.
More information about the initiative can be found at http://ipv6nyt.fi.
For detailed statistics on the IPv6 deployment, see: http://stats.labs.apnic.net/ipv6/FI?c=FI&x=1&p=0&r=1&w=
Marco Hogewoning
Finnish IPv6 Launch Event on 8 June in Helsinki, Finland
On Tuesday 8 June, Viestintävirasto, the Finnish telecoms regulator, hosted a seminar on the launch of IPv6 in Finland across a broad spectrum of sectors. Emile Aben and I participated in this meeting on behalf of the RIPE NCC.
This half-day meeting was the pinnacle of a project that started about two years ago with a renewal of the work programme of the national IPv6 task force. This renewal led to efforts to coordinate the deployment of IPv6, with the seminar date set as a milestone by which to achieve nationwide support for IPv6.
The project found support from all major access providers as well as hosting companies and content providers including the national broadcaster, YLE, and MTV.
We are pleased to see this strategy has paid off: the regulator estimates that approximately five million Finnish Internet connections are IPv6 enabled to date. Real-time measurements by APNIC also showed a rapid increase of IPv6 users over the preceding week: the percentage of end users observed using IPv6 quickly rose from almost nothing to 4.7%. DNA achieved the most spectacular deployment: the percentage of their customers using IPv6 skyrocketed to 16% and is still increasing.
During the seminar, various operators reported on their experiences during the deployment. They also looked forward to resolving any remaining issues and using the knowledge gained to further advance IPv6 adoption throughout the country.
More information about the initiative can be found at http://ipv6nyt.fi.
For detailed statistics on the IPv6 deployment, see: http://stats.labs.apnic.net/ipv6/FI?c=FI&x=1&p=0&r=1&w=
Marco Hogewoning