Thierry Ernst
2012-09-28 12:03:47 UTC
Pour information, surtout dans le cas où vous souhaiteriez intervenir
sur un sujet (d'intérêt national). Si c'est le cas, je remercie d'avance
toute initiative mentionnant le G6.
Thierry Ernst.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: V6 World Congress 2013: CFP dead line extension
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 13:11:30 +0200
From: Upperside Conferences <info-OZvurz18JbxVMYOBj66f7a+***>
Reply-To: info <info-OZvurz18JbxVMYOBj66f7a+***>
To: <thierry.ernst-***>
If this email does not display correctly, please click here
*V6 World Congress | 19/22 March 2013 | Paris*
The third edition of V6 World will take place in Paris from 19 to 22
March, 2013.
The 2013 edition will place particular emphasis on the adoption of IPv6
on mobile networks, seeking presentations and individuals to serve on
panels to discuss both the successes and challenges in enabling
production IPv6 "by default" on mobile devices, in mobile applications,
and on mobile networks.
The proposals will be analyzed and categorized according to their degree
of pertinence by the members of the scientific committee
The Call for proposals
dead line *has been extended to October 12.*
*More information* on V6 World Congress 2013
Organized by*Upperside Conferences
<>* 54 rue du Faubourg
Saint Antoine 75012 Paris - France
If you don't want to receive emails regarding our conferences and
events, send us an email. <mailto:listmaster-***>
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Pour cela, il vous suffit de cliquer sur *ce lien.*
sur un sujet (d'intérêt national). Si c'est le cas, je remercie d'avance
toute initiative mentionnant le G6.
Thierry Ernst.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: V6 World Congress 2013: CFP dead line extension
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 13:11:30 +0200
From: Upperside Conferences <info-OZvurz18JbxVMYOBj66f7a+***>
Reply-To: info <info-OZvurz18JbxVMYOBj66f7a+***>
To: <thierry.ernst-***>
If this email does not display correctly, please click here
*V6 World Congress | 19/22 March 2013 | Paris*
The third edition of V6 World will take place in Paris from 19 to 22
March, 2013.
The 2013 edition will place particular emphasis on the adoption of IPv6
on mobile networks, seeking presentations and individuals to serve on
panels to discuss both the successes and challenges in enabling
production IPv6 "by default" on mobile devices, in mobile applications,
and on mobile networks.
The proposals will be analyzed and categorized according to their degree
of pertinence by the members of the scientific committee
The Call for proposals
dead line *has been extended to October 12.*
*More information* on V6 World Congress 2013
Organized by*Upperside Conferences
<>* 54 rue du Faubourg
Saint Antoine 75012 Paris - France
If you don't want to receive emails regarding our conferences and
events, send us an email. <mailto:listmaster-***>
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Indépendamment d?une demande de désinscription que vous pourriez faire
auprès de l?émetteur du courriel, vous avez la possibilité de demander à
ne plus recevoir de courriels de cette plateforme.
Pour cela, il vous suffit de cliquer sur *ce lien.*